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A Look In The Mirror


We at the Neighborhood believe the journey is what matters, not the destination or even where you start. Same goes for the efforts to make you a better self. Melvin is a partner on your journey, an automated connection to your community. It helps you in your process using "A Look In The Mirror", a well-being assessment designed to ferret out the behavioral areas that might help you a achieve a more fulfilling journey. The results from this ‘look’ are turned into points of action that nudge you to improvement and self-actualization. These nudges are communicated to you, a Resident of Melvin’s Neighborhood, through suggestions and offers from a network of local businesses and organizations (Front Porches) in the physical community where you live via a morning email synopsis.


As the navigator in your journey, Melvin has you look in the mirror and answer 24 questions (or Topics) by choosing one of three or four answer choices for each. From your responses Melvin can assess the areas in your life that need a little work. Each Topic and each answer is weighted for strength. These weighted values will then be used to determine the Action Points you should focus on. The assessment doesn’t tell you where your at (since that’s irrelevant). Instead "A Look In The Mirror" gauges your effort. As long as you’re working on what needs work — your journey is on the right road.





  • How organized are you when you get up? Do you plan your day ahead?

  • What best describes your breakfast — if you even call it that?

  • What does your average meal look like?

  • What best describes your physical exercise routine?

  • How much do move around during the day, aside from formal exercise?

  • Describe your sleep

  • What best describes your drinking usage?

  • Do you smoke?

  • What is your relationship with your doctor like?

  • How do you relieve stress?

  • How often do you read a newspaper (physical or online)?

  • Describe your last experience with a book

  • How much cable news (or talk radio) do you watch or listen to?

  • When have you last taken a class or learned something new on your own?

  • How do you express your creativity?

  • Do you consider yourself curious?

  • How is relationship with your spouse or significant other?

  • How do you get along with your family?

  • What best describes your interactions with strangers?

  • Do you campaign for candidates (or run yourself) during elections?

  • How often do you go city council meetings or lobby for civic changes?

  • How often do you volunteer, outside of government?

  • Describe your relationship with your work.

  • How are preparing for the next stage in your professional life?

  • Describe your living environment

  • What best describes your relationship with nature?




Once a Resident finishes their “A Look In The Mirror” and Action Points are determined, these focus areas are fed into Melvin’s calculation machine, the bleedingEDGE Engagement Platform. The algorithm deep inside the platform matches the Residents' Action Points with opportunities that lie in the community, Melvin’s Neighborhood, that will help nudge you along on a road to physical, mental and social engagement ultimately boosting their agency and self-efficacy.

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