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Campaign triggers are events that ’trigger’ action in the bleedingEDGE algorithm that initiates a nudge to the Resident from the Front Porch. A Front Porch can use as many or as few of the triggers Melvin’s Neighborhood makes available. A relevant trigger should be attached to each campaign along with an offer to entice the Resident into action.


  • “You all come back now”: Customer/prospect follow-up

    • One the biggest challenge in retail sale and marketing is how to combat the walk away problem. Once a prospect leaves your store without purchasing, they’re seldom seen again. “You All Come Back Now” provides am immediate automated solution featuring the product or service the prospect showed interest in.

  • “Exhibit on Steroids”: Trade show follow-up

    • The biggest hindrance to trade show success is not booth design or even the show itself. It’s the lack of follow-up after the show. Your “Exhibit On Steroids” gives exhibitors an immediate automated follow-up featuring the product or service the attendee inquired about.

  • “We’re not worthy”: Complaint response

    • Unhappy customers who have had a bad experience more often than not are avoided like the plague. Just the opposite should be the case. "We're Not Worthy" gives you an automated response designed not only to pacify, but takes advantage of the situation with a marketing TLC approach.

  • “WOW, you must have been hungry”: Follow-up after large purchase

    • Big spenders like to be loved. "WOW, you must have been hungry" does exactly that. Customers who spend over a predetermined amount on a visit are sent out a specific thank you with an offer designed to bring them back in for more.

  • “Look forward to getting together”: Meeting confirmation

    • Sales calls don't do any good if they're not productive. Step one is making sure the other party is present, mentally and physically. "Look forward to getting together" provides a way to confirm both a meeting and the designed agenda - your agenda.

  • “Don’t forget the crickets”: Complimentary product/service reminder

    • Nearly every product has a complimentary product or service that can be marketed in conjunction with it."Don't forget the crickets" allows you to gain repeat business by marketing these products and services directly after the initial purchase by periodically featuring items that should be bought on an ongoing basis.

  • "It’s that time of the year again”: Holiday offer

    • Seasonal products and services need to be marketed at the right time. A business can literally base it's entire marketing strategy around seasonal promotions such as Halloween or Mother's Day. Why not have a personalized program adjusted to just that.

  • “Haven’t seen you in a while”: Customer re-activation

    • It's hard enough to get customers, so the last thing you should do is let them fade away as you ignore them. With "Haven't seen you in a while" you can automatically contact a customer who hasn't patronized within a predetermined time frame with a reactivation piece featuring an offer to come back in.

  • “Don’t be a Grinch”: Gift certificate solicitation

    • Holidays are often the biggest business opportunity of the year. Take advantage of it by promoting your business. "Don't be a Grinch" enables you to market your firm via gift certificates, gift cards or any other means you create - all done automatically.

  • “Happy Birthday”: Birthday program

    • Everyone wants to be acknowledged on their birthday - whether they admit it or not. "Happy Birthday" gives you the business owner another opportunity to make a sales impression - be it offer specific or just brand building.

  • “We got a great deal”: Bulk buy pass along

    • The key to business success is finding good deals from your vendors and suppliers - and turning these products over quickly. Enable your company to jump on these timely deals by using "We got a great deal" to notify customers who then in turn can take advantage of your good fortune with "pass through" savings.

  • “Help I’m expiring”: Warranty expiration notice

    • Once a warranty on a product expires, two marketing opportunities present themselves. Warranties can be extended or better yet, brand new products can be sold. "Help I'm expiring" automatically enables you to market the options together or separately.

  • “We’d like to meet your friends”: Referral program

    • A company's most valuable assets are its customers. Maximize these assets by getting them to work for you by referring their friends and acquaintances. "We would like to meet your friends" is an automated referral program allowing you to target who and when you want.

  • “We just got this in”: New product announcement

    • Preferred customers, or any customers for that matter, like to be kept abreast of new products and services that just been made available. It makes them feel special. "We just got this in" gives them a step up on the "Jones" with an announcement of a new product or service that only they know about.

  • “Join the CLUB”: VIP Club program

    • Imagine being a VIP at your watering hole or hangout. "Join the CLUB" enables you to create this VIP environment for anybody at your establishment. Benefits of being in the 'club' can range from discounts, to bonuses on accumulated purchases, to notification of special events and deals. "Join the CLUB" is ideal for restaurants but will also work for virtually any business. The options are endless.

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